The Holly Dress by Bubby and Me Creations
/It’s Ellen here from ellzabelle. Today I’m here with the Holly dress from Bubby and Me Creations. I really fell in love with the bodice pieces and the chance to use a lot of fabrics in the design if I wanted. It has the most beautiful back and I really wish I had one of those pretty lace zippers to showcase. But since I’m still sewing from my stash, it wasn’t meant to be. I’ve also had my eye on their adorable Summer Dress pattern since it came out.
The Holly dress is for sizes 1-10 and gives pattern pieces and directions for a circle or gathered skirt. I chose to do a gathered skirt and I loved that measurements were also given so I didn’t have to print pattern pieces for the skirt. I LOVE when designers do that since I like to save ink/time/space. Pattern pieces are also layered so you can just print the size you want. Such a nice option! The pattern is rated advanced beginner to intermediate and I completely agree. The step that took me the longest was putting in the zipper since I don’t do zippers very often, but the directions were great and I had no problems! The waistband even lined up which I was worried about. I really appreciated all the tips and explanation that was provided.
This was my first pattern by Bubby and Me and I think the dress is so pretty. My daughter said it was comfy and I can see her wearing it to school and all summer. Since this was my first pattern of theirs, one thing I noticed was the word FOLD was not on the edge of the pattern piece with the arrow as I’m used to. It was printed on the pattern piece as in CUT ONE ON FOLD. I’m so used to seeing the word FOLD on the edge that I cut my front lining piece in half before I noticed. Just a funny thing and I laughed to myself (note to self-be more observant)! Just something to be aware of since every designer is different.
Be sure to check out Bubby and Me’s Summer Dress pattern too. I’ve had my eye on it since it came out-the back is incredible and so beautiful!!!! And I love Rebekah’s knit version of the Holly dress below. Happy Sewing!
Rebekah's Version (Made in Knit, No Zipper!)

Ellen shares her review of the Holly Dress by Bubby and Me Creations.