Retro Headbands Pattern from My Childhood Treasures


Anyone else have a problem getting rid of them? 

Yeah. Me, too. So what do you do with all of these bits of gorgeousness that you have at the end of every dress or top? That you simply can't part with but never ever get around to making quilts or whatever...ahem. 

My Childhood Treasures has a solution...times THREE! We have a quartet of lovely reviewers today to show you MCT's new Retro Headband Pattern! What a great way to accessorize any outfit!

The new pattern from My Childhood Treasures includes templates for making three different style headbands.  You are provided with pattern pieces for making a simple headband, a retro knot band, or a scarf style one.  The simple headband can be embellished with trims or flowers.  There are templates and instructions for creating 6 different sizes of yoyos which can easily be combined and added to the headband(s).  Here is my retro knot version which I paired with the Becky GIrl's Dress which is also by My Childhood Treasures.

These headbands are so simple to make and this pattern would be a wonderful addition for anyone who wants to make  something cute to wear in the hair.  Different trims and embellishments can be added for many different looks.  The directions are clear and easy to follow and I can see making bunches of these for my girls.    

Happy Sewing!


Hey Jeanine here! Hi! Hope you are all fab!

So, recently I was looking for a fun hair accessory to sew to go with some fab dresses I was making the girlies and the My Childhood Treasures Headband set came up and it was EXACTLY the look/s I wanted! And it has 3 view options. I did not make the knot one. I love the knot version, just for these dresses I thought the scarf and the plain would go best. I decided to sew around some flowers from the fabric I was using onto some felt for the decoration. They were cute plain too, and the pattern includes a bonus yo-yo flower tutorial and pattern.

This pattern is seriously such a fun sew! I made both of these up in a lazy morning while interacting with the girls and having them give me their opinions on the best add ons and serving Cheeks her three breakfasts. I love that there are so many ways to get creative for these headbands, as far as your imagination can take you or you can stick to the pattern and have some adorable looks! I certainly plan to make more this summer! Especially the scarf view as my blond darling needs her head covered more in the summer sun

I love how nicely the headbands stay on even with all their running and jumping about they stayed in place (and I did not use any bobbypins)! I asked the girls how they liked the headbands and they both said they were pretty and comfy and wanted to wear them all day which counts as a total win!
So go ahead and pick up this pattern with confidence. The directions are well written and the sewing easy on the morning mom brain, I give it 3 thumbs up! Plus they help kids get along too! (well ok, maybe not reeeaaaalllly….. but hey, it worked on this photoshoot!)

Dresses are the Sisboom Gabriella Fae with some quilty modifications.

Please, ma'am, may I have another?

You say you want MORE headbands? Your wish is my command! Here are a few more pics from Serena and Kari!

 Want more reviews from My Childhood Treasures? Check them out HERE.