AD Challenge: Cote d'Azur Sun Hat from ShannonMac Designs

Hi everyone! I've been away from pattern making for several months, but I'm back with a brand new pattern. I've been spreading my wings, so to speak, and I've stepped outside my normal quilted box to release my very first wearable design!

It's almost summer here on our side of the globe, and I'm a pale, pasty chick. I avoid the sun like a vampire. It doesn't take long for me to turn lobster red, and I've had more than my fair share of sunburns in my life, especially on my face, shoulders, and the back of my neck. To avoid raising my risk of skin cancer even more, I decided I needed a big hat. And why not? They're very fashionable these days, and much easier to put on than sunblock (which I'll still wear!) Most of the wide-brimmed hats I see are some kind of woven style, but I wanted a fabric one, so it's washable and keeps out ALL the sun's rays. And this is it! Introducing the Cote d'Azur Sun Hat from ShannonMac Designs!

I have designed this sun hat pattern to fit head circumferences of 16"-24", with brim options of 4", 5", and 6". With those options, it will fit most people 12 months and up!

And since you're making it yourself, you can make it truly fit you and your style! I used quilter's cotton, but you can feel free to use any fabric you like, as long as it's not stretchy and won't lose it's shape (knits and silkies are probably good to avoid).

I used Pellon 809 Decor Bond in the brim, but some of my testers tried other things, like thermofleece, buckram, and peltex. Other interfacings can result in different levels of stiffness in the brim, but if you like a floppier hat, just try a lighter interfacing.

Check out some of the photos that my testers submitted!

Thank you so much to all my amazing testers!!

And now it's time for you to get the pattern, and make one for yourself! You can purchase the pattern in my Craftsy Shop, OR you can enter my rafflecopter drawing and win a copy!