Upcycling Aussie Style

We're continuing our look at Upcycling this week, and heading over to Australia to see how Ari (Max California) rocks this transformative sewing style.


Once upon a time, a very very long time ago, there was a girl (me) who used to buy all her band tees in the largest size so that she could cut them up and turn them into dresses, skirts, or modified t-shirts. She was part of a movement back in those days known as T-Shirt Surger. Time went on, she had a kid (and then another one) but the t-shirt surgery spirit never diminished. She replaced going to gigs with going to playgroup, mini-skirts for jeans, and sewing for self became sewing for the little baby boy who changed her world. 

Upcycling was huge when I first learned about the online DIY world. I’d been sewing for a long time before the internet got really cool (I’m older than you think I am) and it opened up a whole new world. I can’t go shopping anymore and just buy a shirt or a dress. I’m always looking at the fabric, mind racing for all the things I could turn that garment into! I love giving clothing new life, my friends and family are always donating clothes to my cause and my stash of ‘clothes to reconstruct’ is quite crazy (but folded into a cupboard neatly, hehe). Here is a roundup of some clothes I have made that were once originally something completely different!

Bob-Omb dress (from a t-shirt), Upcycled Hosh pants (from a pair of mens Dickies shorts)  Acid Wash dress (from a maxi overall-dress thing?), Denim maxwell top (from my dad’s shirt!), Star Wars dress (& tutorial! from oversized tee), knitted leggings (from my old leggings)

roly-poly pinafore (from men’s shirt), fancy pants (from 2x t-shirts), vanadium peplum top (from strange womens shirt), wanderlust outfits x2 (from one men’s shirt!), beanie (from a jumper), maxi skirt (from a t-shirt), dinosaur rain coat (from adult raincoat), baby legs (from socks), denim ruffle skirt (from longer skirt)

I really don’t blog nearly all of my upcycles but I really should! Check out the Upcycling tag on my blog for additional awesome & hopefully some inspiration! I also have a Pinterest board here for t-shirt surgery ideas I’ve been collecting.

There are so many resources out there for upcycling and finding fresh new ideas for old clothing. It’s so good for the planet and it makes you feel pretty smug knowing that you turned nothing into something. One of the most influential blog posts i have read was written by Suzanne after we competed in Project Run & Play. I’d been reconstructing clothing for a very long time, but she reignited the passion in me and wherever possible I use recycled clothing and fabrics!

What are you inspirations for upcycling clothing? What have you upcycled that you’ve been the most proud of? I’d love to see!