Canaan's Incredible Blazer Pattern Tour: With Winter Wonderings...

OK-this is a little weird introducing myself, but  here goes!   Hi,I am Suzanne and when I am not introducing you to cool content here on Pattern Revolution, you can find me over an my home blog of Winter Wonderings, Wanderings, & Whatnot where I blog about the crazy life of my '3 under 3' and all the cool things I make for them.  I am a self confessed jacket LOV-AH,and while I have made numerous jackets and blazers for my kiddos - I simply could not turn this one down!


Come on over to my BLOG to check out all the fun details in my Play-wear version of the Canaan's Incredible Blazer Pattern.  And don't forget to enter to win your own copy of the pattern below - the giveaway closes Friday night, so enter now before you forget-and A would be so sad if you forgot!

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