Top Stitcher: Voting Criteria

As Host of this Iron-Chef-type competition, I have provided each "duel" a specific prompt (read those here) and present the resulting projects for readers to vote on based on the following criteria:

  • 5 Points for Technique. Do garment(s) reflect a strong knowledge of the fabrics used, and the methods and tools use to sew them?

  • 5 Points for Creativity. Do garment(s) relate to the given prompt, and showcase the unique talents of the sewist?

  • 5 Points for Presentation. Quality photography is key, as is an overall vision for presenting finished work.

Participants receive 10 points automatically for meeting deadlines. 

  • Please vote for each challenger, and every category. Max of 5 stars, 5 is highest.
  • Challengers will receive an average score for each category, and an average score overall. (You can see an example here)
  • Your votes help each challenger recognize areas that they can improve their craft, and celebrate those areas that they already excel. 
  • As such, please cast votes for each contestant only once. Admittedly, I cannot enforce this, but the objective is for each contestant to receive a thoughtful rating, not skewed scores. 
  • It is SUPER DUPER NERVE-WRACKING to put work on display for others to judge, so let's remember to leave some love and encouragement for our challengers in the comments! 

Contest Intro     |     Sewing Specialties     |     Challenge Prompts     |     Voting Criteria      |     Challenger Line-Up