Aspiring Designers: Sew Get 2 the Point

How amazing it is to be in the Aspiring Designers Challenger for November.  A huge shout out to Pattern Revolution for letting me post here.  First thing about me is I am not a blogger, that might become apparent in my post here today. But what I am is a new pdf designer. I have created many designs in the last 10+ years of my sewing. Most were my own creations used once and drafting for a special purpose. After a while I began thinking it would be good to hold on to those ideas for future use. And that began Sew Get 2 the Point.

 For this posting I am giving you a glimpse at the Hannah’s Give and Take Handbag. Yes it needs all that in its name.  What a great way to get your holiday sewing going than with an accessory that is easy to sew and knocks out not 1 but 2 gifts at the same time. When you sew the Hannah Handbag up you end with 2 completed projects.

This pattern features easy to follow written directions with many pictures to guide you through, which makes this a great beginners pattern, but there are options to make it more challenging for the more experienced sewer. There are many things you can do with this pattern to make it a great coordinate to any outfit. The pattern includes cutting measurements instructions or printable pattern pieces, so you choose your preference!

This bag is not limited to cotton woven, it looks fantastic in home decor, vinyl, leather, denim, flannel, linen, wool, corduroy, canvas…. The list goes on. *not suitable for fabrics with stretch.

Made by Twila Heinrich Doucet in home deco

What you get from this pattern is a simplistically stylish handbag with a center divide, double straps and a magnetic closure. You can mix and match between the 2 views which give you a double fabric front, or a solid front, and the same with the lining fabric. You can have solid sides or feature a double panel on the sides of the bag. The magnetic closure is optional so you can whip one up even if you don’t have the hardware.
  Made by Jennifer O’Driscoll MacDonald

I look forward to seeing what you create with this pattern and hope you enjoy it as much as I do. I would love for you to share your creations on my Sew Get 2 the Point facebook page.

You can purchase the Hannah Give and Take Handbag pattern for an introductory price of $3.50. Normal price will be $5.00.  Or you can take your chances at winning a copy of this pattern by following the steps below. If you have already purchased the pattern you will be refunded if you are the winner.

Happy sewing!!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway