Designer's Challenge - Blank Slate Patterns
/Today's Designer's Challenge Pattern is the Super Skinny Pants by Melissa Mora of Blank Slate Patterns. Check out the goodies and enter to win your own copy below.

So we've seen the Amaryllis Dress and the Berkshire Blazer, but what about the rest of my winter patterns? You didn't think I'd only do 2, did you? Of course not. And astute observers of my new ad (right sidebar, unless you're on a phone, then scroll down to the bottom of this page) might have noticed these pants. So today I present the Super Skinny Pants. I've been noticed a lot of tuxedo striped pants lately, and it occurred to me - what if those stripes were made of knit? That would let you have the ease of sewing a woven pant combined with the comfort and fit of a knit legging - the best of both worlds! So that's what I did.

Isn't she a doll? The Super Skinny Pants are unisex and available in size 18m-8.

I have had some great testers and re-testers nail the fit on these pants, and I really love how they turned out. Worth the headache.

And they look great paired with the Berkshire Blazer or the Tee x 3. Get yours in the shop today! PS - this design was part of a designer's challenge I participated in to design something original. I haven't seen this combination of knit and woven before, so I think this fits the "unique and original" bill.