Pi Day Possibilities

Pi Day Possibilities

As much as I hate to admit it, math plays a HUGE part in sewing. From simple addition and subtraction, to converting inches to centimeters and figuring out how much that new PDF pattern will cost you in Australian Dollars. Thank goodness for that Paypal math, right? So in honor of Pi Day (3-14....get it?), we're opening the vault of some of our favorite patterns that honor the almighty circle. From skirts to dresses to even a pair of shorts, these patterns take the basic circle to new heights and don't even require you to bust out 3.14159265358979323846264.

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Scraps, scraps everywhere, and not a scrap to spare...

Scraps, scraps everywhere, and not a scrap to spare...

There are a ton of great scrap busting tutorials out there, Check out our Scrap Busting pinterest board for some great ideas.  But today, we have an adorable tutorial for how to use some beautiful and small scraps to make a perfect Dream Catcher.

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