New Year, New Uses: Sew Your Stash, 80's Style

Welcome back - if you haven't heard yet, we are challenging you in this first month of 2016 to SEW YOUR STASH.  Not the whole thing... but one thing!!!  Join us on Facebook for daily prompts and to show off your creations.

Today Denita is here to show off a custom print that she has been hoarding for over a year... I am so glad she broke it out of prison and is showing this bad boy off, becasue it sure made me smile this morning!!!


Hi everyone! Happy New Year! Can you believe that it is 2016 already…

Let’s talk about your sewing stash. Do you have an abundance of fabric that you have tucked away? You know the fabric that you swear is too pretty to cut. What about the pattern you bought because you had to have it? I know, that’s every! Well, I’m going to take you through my fabric and pattern stash today. I will never admit to how much fabric I truly own. NEVER ;)

I purchased the Ennis Tee from Papercut Patterns during a sale because, well to tell the truth, it was on sale. I guess to tell another truth sometimes laziness wins. Colorblocking a top really isn’t that hard, but it’s so much easier to have someone else do the heavy lifting. This is my first Papercut Pattern and I love it!

Now, about the fabric…

Ok so you’re probably asking the big question as to why I purchased 80’s themed fabric. Easy question...I’m an 80’s kid. For the photo shoot, I used cassette tapes and hairbows as props. My children quickly asked me about the strange rectangular object in my hand. The hair bows (as we called them back in the day) and cassette tapes are vintage. Yes, vintage. I wore these to elementary school in 1986...gasp! And jammed out to Michael Jackson’s Bad in 1987...gasp! The 80’s were all about Michael Jackson, Madonna, Bon Jovi, beatboxes and Tom Cruise in Risky Business. Yes, the 80’s rocked!

The “I love the 80’s” fabric is a custom knit from Bebe Flow Fabric Group on Facebook. I’ve had the fabric in my stash for almost a year now. There are a lot of custom knit fabric groups on Facebook; however, Ashley is super sweet and I love her design style. There have been a few projects that this particular would have worked for in the past, but I simply couldn’t bring myself to cut it let alone wash it. See how much I love PR readers. You get the benefit of my procrastination, fabric addiction, and hoarding tendencies.

Now my challenge to you...find the oldest pattern and most treasured fabric and SEW YOUR STASH! I’d love to see what you make. As always, post a picture of your fabulousness on our Facebook group.

Until next time, as Casey Kasem would say "Keep your feet on the ground, and keep reaching for the stars."